Skin irritations are no fun, especially when they appear on your face. They can take on various forms and symptoms – like rashes and redness, swelling, burning and itchiness of the skin – and can strike out of nowhere, making you yearn for relief. Some of these flare-ups resolve on their own, while others require a doctor's care. But the first step is pinpointing what exactly caused the unsightly inflammation.
From the nickel in your wristwatch to the dressing on your salad, any number of things you touch or ingest can cause dermatitis (a broad term for skin irritations and inflammations). If you have sensitive skin, you may break out in hives at the mere suggestion of these triggers. In some cases, irritation occurs when a harsh substance inflicts physical damage on your skin's outer layers. In others, the rash develops when your immune system responds to an allergen. Occasionally, both types of reaction take place at the same time [source: WebMD].
By identifying the source of your rash, you can learn to banish irritants from your counter, cupboard or yard -- before they wreak havoc on your face. Next time you experience inflammation on your face, think back to where you've been and what you've done over the last day or so. Keep reading to meet five common culprits behind skin irritations on the face.
Feeling hot, hot, hot? Heat rash, also known as prickly heat or miliaria, most commonly affects babies, especially when they're overdressed on a sweltering day. (Unlike grown-ups and older kids, infants can't exactly peel off a layer or voice their discomfort -- at least not in any articulate fashion.) With heat rash, the sweat ducts become blocked and swollen, and sweat accumulates under the skin, causing tiny dots, pimples or blisters to appear on the face, head, neck, shoulders and under the armpits [source: Mayo Clinic]. This is why infants, whose sweat ducts aren't fully developed, are at risk.
But adults can develop heat rash too, especially if they live in a tropical climate, perspire abundantly and don't wear breathable clothing [source: Mayo Clinic]. Hospital patients and others confined to their beds for long periods of time can sometimes get heat rash on their backs [source: DermNet NZ]. Greasy or oily face creams and lotions can also trigger flare-ups by blocking the sweat glands [source: Braff].
Whether you're a babe in arms or a hiker in Death Valley, heat rash is easily treatable. If possible, step into an air-conditioned room, slip into something lighter and cool off in front of a fan [source: Mayo Clinic]. Cold water compresses and calamine lotion can often soothe the prickly feeling that accompanies heat rash [source: DermNet NZ].
If the spots and blisters don't disappear after a few days, give your dermatologist a call. He or she may prescribe a topical steroid or even an oral antibiotic [source: Braff].
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