Congrats, you are finally graduated from your University. The only
snag is where and how to find a new job corresponding to your studies?
Here are some tips for you.
Mindset Computers is a vibrant and progressive ICT company with solid professional expertise, established since 2009. We are fully registered with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and Ministry of Education as a certified professional ICT training institute. Our corporate office is located at #15 Ikpa Road, Uyo.
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
10 Things You Should Never, Ever Wear to a Wedding
You might wear a uniform or follow an office dress code Monday
through Friday, and on the weekend, you like to have a little fun with
fashion. Your friend's wedding isn't the place to test drive your new
romper or rock those $200 jeans you just splurged on. But you already
knew that, right?
There are a few gray areas when it comes to appropriate wedding guest attire. Maybe that cocktail dress has a questionable hemline -- or it might be the same color the bridal party is wearing. There are plenty of clothing options that'll turn you into an unintentional eyesore at any union, but you don't have to earn the ire of every bride and groom you know. Just follow this list of 10 things you should never wear to a wedding, and you'll keep receiving those invitations!
There are a few gray areas when it comes to appropriate wedding guest attire. Maybe that cocktail dress has a questionable hemline -- or it might be the same color the bridal party is wearing. There are plenty of clothing options that'll turn you into an unintentional eyesore at any union, but you don't have to earn the ire of every bride and groom you know. Just follow this list of 10 things you should never wear to a wedding, and you'll keep receiving those invitations!
5 Tricks to Longer Lashes
If you aren't blessed with long lashes, there are tricks you can do to blow them out.
If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the eyelashes are the curtains adorning those spectacular windows. They're so important that ancient beauticians used a paste of manure and other ingredients to make the eyelashes of their royal patrons look longer, thicker and more alluring. Nowadays, there are lots of safe (and manure-free) products on the market designed to give you longer lashes. With the right products and a few tips from us, your eyes will look more dramatic and totally captivating.
If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the eyelashes are the curtains adorning those spectacular windows. They're so important that ancient beauticians used a paste of manure and other ingredients to make the eyelashes of their royal patrons look longer, thicker and more alluring. Nowadays, there are lots of safe (and manure-free) products on the market designed to give you longer lashes. With the right products and a few tips from us, your eyes will look more dramatic and totally captivating.
How to Accumulate Riches
Have you ever heard the common catchphrase "The little things mean
the most?" If so, then you might also be familiar with one of the
greatest success principles of all is called the Law of Accumulation.
Five Rules for Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is the art of finding profitable solutions to
problems. Every successful entrepreneur or business person has been able
to identify a problem and come up with a solution to it before someone
else did. Here are the five rules for success.
Monday, 23 June 2014
What makes women talk more than men?
When it comes to conversation, are women really more likely to be bigger talkers than men?
Women use an average of 20,000 words a day, compared to the mere 7,000 that men utter. At least that’s the assertion of a number of self-help and popular science books. Quoted by apparently authoritative experts and widely reported, it’s a statement that bolsters the stereotype of the fairer sex spending their days gossiping, while the stoic men folk get on with it, whatever it is, without the need to chatter. But is it actually true?
Talkativeness can be measured in various ways. You can get people into a lab, give them a topic to discuss and then record their conversations.
Women use an average of 20,000 words a day, compared to the mere 7,000 that men utter. At least that’s the assertion of a number of self-help and popular science books. Quoted by apparently authoritative experts and widely reported, it’s a statement that bolsters the stereotype of the fairer sex spending their days gossiping, while the stoic men folk get on with it, whatever it is, without the need to chatter. But is it actually true?
Talkativeness can be measured in various ways. You can get people into a lab, give them a topic to discuss and then record their conversations.
Do we need sex to reproduce?
Fatherless pregnancies happen in nature more than we thought, says Frank
Swain, so what’s stopping human beings from doing the same?
Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman, as the singer Tammy Wynette famously said. As if doing the reproductive heavy lifting wasn’t bad enough, nature played a cosmic prank in making women need men to complete the task, and giving them a limited window in which to have children.
Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman, as the singer Tammy Wynette famously said. As if doing the reproductive heavy lifting wasn’t bad enough, nature played a cosmic prank in making women need men to complete the task, and giving them a limited window in which to have children.
How Can you train yourself to get by on less sleep?
Margaret Thatcher did it. So did Salvador Dali. They survived the day
with only a few hours of sleep. The question is whether you can force
yourself to do the same.
We waste a third of our lives sleeping – or that’s how some people see it. When there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day, you yearn to be like the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who was said to get by on just four hours sleep a night, or the artist Salvador Dali who wasted as little time as possible slumbering.
We waste a third of our lives sleeping – or that’s how some people see it. When there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day, you yearn to be like the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who was said to get by on just four hours sleep a night, or the artist Salvador Dali who wasted as little time as possible slumbering.
How to Stop Ageing: Girls who never grow older
A handful of girls seem to defy one of the biggest certainties in life:
ageing. Virginia Hughes reports on the
families wrestling with a condition they can’t explain, and the scientist who believes that these children could hold the key to immortality.
Richard Walker has been trying to conquer ageing since he was a 26-year-old free-loving hippie. It was the 1960s, an era marked by youth: Vietnam War protests, psychedelic drugs, sexual revolutions. The young Walker relished the culture of exultation, of joie de vivre, and yet was also acutely aware of its passing. He was haunted by the knowledge that ageing would eventually steal away his vitality – that with each passing day his body was slightly less robust, slightly more decayed. One evening he went for a drive in his convertible and vowed that by his 40th birthday, he would find a cure for ageing.
families wrestling with a condition they can’t explain, and the scientist who believes that these children could hold the key to immortality.
Richard Walker has been trying to conquer ageing since he was a 26-year-old free-loving hippie. It was the 1960s, an era marked by youth: Vietnam War protests, psychedelic drugs, sexual revolutions. The young Walker relished the culture of exultation, of joie de vivre, and yet was also acutely aware of its passing. He was haunted by the knowledge that ageing would eventually steal away his vitality – that with each passing day his body was slightly less robust, slightly more decayed. One evening he went for a drive in his convertible and vowed that by his 40th birthday, he would find a cure for ageing.
Guess! What do animals dream about?
If animals dream like us, where do they go in their slumber? Jason G
Goldman explores how we can peer into the minds of sleeping cats, birds
and other creatures.
"Almost all other animals are clearly observed to partake in sleep, whether they are aquatic, aerial, or terrestrial," wrote Aristotle in his work On Sleep and Sleeplessness. But do other animals dream?
"Almost all other animals are clearly observed to partake in sleep, whether they are aquatic, aerial, or terrestrial," wrote Aristotle in his work On Sleep and Sleeplessness. But do other animals dream?
Friday, 20 June 2014
How sleep makes your mind more creative
It’s a tried and tested technique used by writers and poets, but can
psychology explain why first moments after waking can be among our most
It is 6.06am and I’m typing this in my pyjamas. I awoke at 6.04am, walked from the bedroom to the study, switched on my computer and got to work immediately. This is unusual behaviour for me. However, it’s a tried and tested technique for enhancing creativity, long used by writers, poets and others, including the inventor Benjamin Franklin. And psychology research appears to back this up, providing an explanation for why we might be at our most creative when our minds are still emerging from the realm of sleep.
It is 6.06am and I’m typing this in my pyjamas. I awoke at 6.04am, walked from the bedroom to the study, switched on my computer and got to work immediately. This is unusual behaviour for me. However, it’s a tried and tested technique for enhancing creativity, long used by writers, poets and others, including the inventor Benjamin Franklin. And psychology research appears to back this up, providing an explanation for why we might be at our most creative when our minds are still emerging from the realm of sleep.
Can Human hibernation Possible?: Secrets behind the big sleep
The extreme survival tricks of hibernating animals… and the occasional
human… could help us overcome life-threatening injuries, as Frank Swain
Imagine it: you have been rushed into the emergency room and you are dying. Your injuries are too severe for the surgeons to repair in time. Your blood haemorrhages unseen from ruptured vessels. The loss of blood is starving your organs of vital nutrients and oxygen. You are entering cardiac arrest.
Imagine it: you have been rushed into the emergency room and you are dying. Your injuries are too severe for the surgeons to repair in time. Your blood haemorrhages unseen from ruptured vessels. The loss of blood is starving your organs of vital nutrients and oxygen. You are entering cardiac arrest.
How to learn like a memory champion in the classroom
Companies are creating learning aids that tap the science of memories, says David Robson. Do they work in the classroom?
For most of his 20s, Ed Cooke had been hovering around the top 10 of the World Memory Championships. His achievements included memorising 2,265 binary digits in 30 minutes and the order of 16 packs of playing cards in just an hour. But at the age of 26, he was getting restless, and wanted to help others to learn like him. "The memory techniques take a certain discipline," he says. "I wanted a tool that would just allow you to relax into learning."
For most of his 20s, Ed Cooke had been hovering around the top 10 of the World Memory Championships. His achievements included memorising 2,265 binary digits in 30 minutes and the order of 16 packs of playing cards in just an hour. But at the age of 26, he was getting restless, and wanted to help others to learn like him. "The memory techniques take a certain discipline," he says. "I wanted a tool that would just allow you to relax into learning."
How Potato power: the spuds that could light the world
With a simple trick, the humble spud can be made into a battery, so could potato powered homes catch on?
Mashed, boiled, baked or fried? You probably have a preference for your potatoes. Haim Rabinowitch, however, likes his spuds “hacked”.
For the past few years, researcher Rabinowitch and colleagues have been pushing the idea of “potato power” to deliver energy to people cut off from electricity grids. Hook up a spud to a couple of cheap metal plates, wires and LED bulbs, they argue, and it could provide lighting to remote towns and villages around the world.
Mashed, boiled, baked or fried? You probably have a preference for your potatoes. Haim Rabinowitch, however, likes his spuds “hacked”.
For the past few years, researcher Rabinowitch and colleagues have been pushing the idea of “potato power” to deliver energy to people cut off from electricity grids. Hook up a spud to a couple of cheap metal plates, wires and LED bulbs, they argue, and it could provide lighting to remote towns and villages around the world.
Monday, 9 June 2014
How to Make Money Without a Job
Jobs are so 20th century. Welcome to the "gig" economy, where more than 20 million Americans are full-time "freelancers," "consultants," "independent contractors" and other code names for not having a "real" job [source: Greenhouse]. True, the Great Recession forced a lot of workers into the freelance ranks, but more than half of "solopreneurs" actively choose the jobless lifestyle [source:Florida]. No time clocks, no cubicles, and best of all, no bosses.
What makes us yawn?

5 Common Causes of Skin Irritations on the Face
Skin irritations are no fun, especially when they appear on your face. They can take on various forms and symptoms – like rashes and redness, swelling, burning and itchiness of the skin – and can strike out of nowhere, making you yearn for relief. Some of these flare-ups resolve on their own, while others require a doctor's care. But the first step is pinpointing what exactly caused the unsightly inflammation.
Top 10 Foods for Beautiful Skin
With people all over the globe spending billions of dollars on skin-care products every year, you'd think cosmetics companies had replicated the fountain of youth in the laboratory. In fact, skin creams have gotten more and more expensive and less and less based on real science. According to most experts who aren't hawking half-ounce jars of $200 youth serum, the science behind skin care is simpler than most of us think.
Sunday, 8 June 2014
5 Personal Hygiene Tips for Men
If your mother ever washed your mouth with soap for saying a bad word, we can understand where your aversion to good hygiene came from. But most of us don't have that excuse, and besides -- it's time to grow up.
How Modems Work
The Origin of Modems
The word "modem" is a contraction of the words modulator-demodulator. A modem is typically used to send digital data over a phone line.The sending modem modulates the data into a signal that is compatible with the phone line, and the receiving modem demodulates the signal back into digital data. Wireless modems convert digital data into radio signals and back.
Positive Power of Negative Thinking: Great Leaders Build Great Businesses on the Realities of Negative Thinking…
Power of positive thinking is a trademark slogan in business, society… it’s folklore wisdom, fill your mind with positivity and you shall reap the benefits… According to Roger Covin; negative thinking and negative emotions tend to be seen as akin to– germs, viruses… things to be avoided, fought… The problem is that while positive thinking can yield many benefits, but when taken to the extreme– the excessive and rigid search for positivity can bring about the opposite effect…
How Natural Skin Treatments Works

13 Bad Beauty Habits That Are Making You Ugly
Everyone’s got bad habits, but some of them may be doing more than just annoying your friends—they may be ruining your beauty! You know what we’re talking about. They’re those seemingly harmless little self-preserving tasks that you may neglect to do or do too much. So, if breaking out of these bad beauty habits means healthier, enviable-looking hair, skin and nails, then you may want to start doing a little damage control, pronto!
But first, know what it is exactly you’re doing wrong with our roundup of 13 bad beauty habits to break.
How? "7 Cancer-Fighting Culinary Spices and Herbs"
Ginger has long been used in folk medicine to
treat everything from colds to constipation. Ginger can be used fresh,
in powdered form (ginger spice), or candied. Although the flavor between
fresh and ground ginger is significantly different, they can be
substituted for one another in many recipes. In general, you can replace
1/8 teaspoon of ground ginger with 1 tablespoon of fresh grated ginger,
and vice versa.
Seven Foods That Fight Inflammation and Belly Fat
Fruits and vegetables
All fruits and vegetables, due to their rich
nutrient and fiber content, help to combat chronic inflammation, so make
sure to include adequate amounts of these foods daily. Some types of
fresh produce, however, are even more potent than others.
Saturday, 7 June 2014
10 Things You Should Not Share on Social Networks
Unless you've been living under a rock in 2009, you know that social
networking Web sites are the latest and greatest way to interact with
other users on the Internet. Thirty-five percent of adults on the
Internet now have a profile on at least one social networking site, and
51 percent have more than one. Three-quarters of users between the ages
of 18 and 24 have an online profile [source: USA Today].
The Pew Research Center found that 89 percent of these people use the
sites to keep up with friends, 57 percent to make plans with friends and
49 percent to make new friends.
How does the Internet work?
Packet, Packet, Who's Got the Packet?
In order to retrieve this article, your computer had to connect with the Web server containing the article's file. We'll use that as an example of how data travels across the Internet.7 Foods That Fight Fat
Tired of that spare tire? Sick of your love handles? You can increase your body's fat-burning power
by eating more foods that strengthen your liver (your body's main
fat-metabolizing organ) to burn fat better. The result? A leaner you!
There are many great liver boosting foods.
Keep reading to learn about 7 Foods That Fight Fat.
Keep reading to learn about 7 Foods That Fight Fat.
How does the Internet work?
Even though the Internet is still a young technology, it's hard to
imagine life without it now. Every year, engineers create more devices
to integrate with the Internet. This network of networks crisscrosses
the globe and even extends into space. But what makes it work?
To understand the Internet, it helps to look at it as a system with two main components. The first of those components is hardware. That includes everything from the cables that carry terabits of information every second to the computer sitting in front of you.
To understand the Internet, it helps to look at it as a system with two main components. The first of those components is hardware. That includes everything from the cables that carry terabits of information every second to the computer sitting in front of you.
How Creating an Online Business Works
What does it take to put together a nice and effective e-commerce Web
site? Is it a lot of money? Sometimes. Is it a lot of skill? Many
times. Is it a lot common sense and lot of patience? Always! Creating
your online business can be a long and arduous process, or it can be
done relatively easily. Just read all of the Web-hosting ads and it
sounds like your site will be up and taking order before you can say
How Capacitors Work
In a way, a capacitor is a little like a battery. Although they work
in completely different ways, capacitors and batteries both store electrical energy. If you have read How Batteries Work, then you know that a battery has two terminals. Inside the battery, chemical reactions produce electrons
on one terminal and absorb electrons on the other terminal. A capacitor
is much simpler than a battery, as it can't produce new electrons -- it
only stores them.
Ways to Make Money on the Internet - SEO Reviewing
Search engine optimization
(SEO) is a growing area for Internet-based employment. SEO is a means
of improving the results from a search engine so that they represent the
closest matches and most reliable resources for the user's desired
Ways to Make Money on the Internet - Domain Name Flipping
Based on luck, strategy and business savvy, domain name
flipping can be one of the more lucrative ways to earn a living online.
The term comes from the real estate trick that involves buying old,
undervalued houses, fixing them up to make them more attractive and
modern-looking and selling them for a much higher prices.
Ways to Make Money on the Internet - Selling Stuff on eBay
Most people today are familiar with the concept: You have things you
don't necessarily need but others are willing to buy, and you can
auction off the items on eBay or other online auction sites. Simply gather your goods, create a seller's profile and start selling.
10 Ways to Make Money on the Internet

steady income in order to survive. The traditional way to earn money, of course, is by having a job. You work for a company or start your own, and the work you do earns you money, which you spend on things like a mortgage, rent, food, clothing, utilities and entertainment.
Most people typically work from their company's central location, a physical space where everyone from that organization gathers to exchange ideas and organize their efforts.
How Cloud Computing Works
Let's say you're an executive at a large corporation. Your particular
responsibilities include making sure that all of your employees have
the right hardware and software they need to do their jobs. Buying computers for everyone isn't enough -- you also have to purchase software or software licenses
to give employees the tools they require. Whenever you have a new hire,
you have to buy more software or make sure your current software
license allows another user. It's so stressful that you find it
difficult to go to sleep on your huge pile of money every night.
How to Connect Your Computer to Your TV
There's something painfully ironic about sitting on your living room couch, just a few feet away from a beautiful widescreen HDTV, watching a movie on your tiny laptop. Yet this is what most of us do when we download movies or TV shows onto our computers.
The same goes for showing off our latest digital photos to friends. We all huddle around the 15-inch computer display while the TV screen goes unused. And what about that PowerPoint presentation you just gave at work? Wouldn't it have looked 1,000 times better on the wall-mounted plasma display in the conference room?
The same goes for showing off our latest digital photos to friends. We all huddle around the 15-inch computer display while the TV screen goes unused. And what about that PowerPoint presentation you just gave at work? Wouldn't it have looked 1,000 times better on the wall-mounted plasma display in the conference room?
Friday, 6 June 2014
How Bluetooth Works
When you use computers, entertainment systems or telephones,
the various pieces and parts of the systems make up a community of
electronic devices. These devices communicate with each other using a
variety of wires, cables, radio signals and infrared light beams, and an even greater variety of connectors, plugs and protocols.
A New Solution That Stops Snoring and Lets You Sleep
If you’re like most Americans you probably don’t get eight hours sleep each night.
But, if you also constantly feel exhausted, experience headaches for no obvious reason or have high blood pressure, you could have a more serious problem.
That’s because these can all be the result of snoring—which is, in turn, the most common symptom of a potentially serious health problem—obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
But, if you also constantly feel exhausted, experience headaches for no obvious reason or have high blood pressure, you could have a more serious problem.
That’s because these can all be the result of snoring—which is, in turn, the most common symptom of a potentially serious health problem—obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
5 Ways To Slow Down Aging And Look Young All The Time
The process of aging is natural and it
isn’t something you can stop from happening. As you age, your skin
starts to lose its moistness and become more prone to damage. However,
there are many natural ways available to slow down the aging process and
look young. Here’s 5:
Yeast Infection - Embarrassing Problems You Don’t Want to Discuss with Your Doctor
A doctor can do a pelvic exam and take a swab to confirm that you have a yeast infection.
Yeast infections
are caused by fungi, specifically Candida albicans. While yeast is
normally present in the vagina, under certain conditions it can multiply
and cause vaginitis, or inflammation of the vagina, which 3 out of
every 4 women will experience at some point in their lives.
Blood in Urine/Feces - Embarrassing Problems You Don’t Want to Discuss with Your Doctor
Don't just try to flush away a problem with blood in the urine or feces -- it could be a sign of a serious condition.
Few people want to openly discuss their bodily waste products, even
if -- or sometimes, especially if -- they have a compelling reason to do
so. Such is the case with seeing blood in your urine or feces.
Lack of Libido - Embarrassing Problems You Don’t Want to Discuss with Your Doctor
A lack of interest in sex doesn't necessarily have to have a physical cause.
It's often taken for granted that sex is something people are supposed to enjoy -- an idea that's well-supported in contemporary society by a wealth of hypersexual advertising and other media. So a decreased interest in sex can be difficult to bring up with anyone, even your doctor.
It's often taken for granted that sex is something people are supposed to enjoy -- an idea that's well-supported in contemporary society by a wealth of hypersexual advertising and other media. So a decreased interest in sex can be difficult to bring up with anyone, even your doctor.
10 Embarrassing Problems You Don’t Want to Discuss with Your Doctor
It might seem like a complete surrender of your privacy, but letting
your doctor in on embarrassing issues you're having can do wonders for
your health.
Visiting the doctor can be embarrassing, even under the best of
circumstances. After all the poking and prodding that goes on and the
probing questions you have to answer, there's not much the doctor
doesn't know about you -- except, of course, for that one thing you're
too mortified to tell him.
Why do we say 'bless you' or 'gesundheit' when people sneeze?
Many people have become accustomed to saying "bless you" or
"gesundheit" when someone sneezes. No one says anything when someone
coughs, blows their nose or burps, so why do sneezes get special
treatment? What do those phrases actually mean, anyway?
Wishing someone well after they sneeze probably originated thousands of years ago. The Romans would say "Jupiter preserve you" or "Salve," which meant "good health to you," and the Greeks would wish each other "long life." The phrase "God bless you" is attributed to Pope Gregory the Great, who uttered it in the sixth century during a bubonic plague epidemic (sneezing is an obvious symptom of one form of the plague).
Wishing someone well after they sneeze probably originated thousands of years ago. The Romans would say "Jupiter preserve you" or "Salve," which meant "good health to you," and the Greeks would wish each other "long life." The phrase "God bless you" is attributed to Pope Gregory the Great, who uttered it in the sixth century during a bubonic plague epidemic (sneezing is an obvious symptom of one form of the plague).
Even cats find toilet them hilarious - Who invented it?
Scatological humor has a long history, so it's no surprise that toilets
appear on our list. In fact, the sound of a flushing toilet has served
as an instantly recognizable punch line in sitcoms for decades. One
reason toilets are funny is that they level the playing field -- kings
and queens must share this particular throne with even the lowliest
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Experts Warn Ebola Virus Could Spread Across West Africa
Health experts have
warned that the Ebola Virus could spread across West Africa in one of
the most challenging outbreaks of the disease the international
community has ever witnessed.
Ebola Disease Takes Toll On Guinea, Sierra Leone, Other West African Countries
It’s not a time to fret or be afraid but a period to be vigilant and improve on personal hygiene such as regular hand washing.
This advice is coming from a public health practitioner as the Ebola Viral Disease takes its toll on Sierra Leone, Guinea and other countries in West Africa.
This advice is coming from a public health practitioner as the Ebola Viral Disease takes its toll on Sierra Leone, Guinea and other countries in West Africa.
Resident Doctors’ Strike: Colossal Loss Of Lives Feared
Following the commencement of the 3-day warning strike
embarked by resident doctors across the country, various appeals have
been made to the parties involved to embrace dialogue to avoid a
colossal loss of lives.
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